Our Paid Media Services

Our B2B PPC services include, but are not limited, to:

How to choose a PPC agency

PPC is a complex and multi-faceted area of digital marketing, so finding the right agency for your business is not always a straightforward task. Much will depend on how big your company is, your overall strategy, your budget and what level of support you’ll require from the agency. That said, a good PPC agency will be able to support your business with the following:

  • Solid understanding of your business and challenges, which translate into the most suitable strategy to reach your goals
  • Effective development of online advertising campaigns directly targeted at your most relevant audience
  • Identification of the right platform(s) for your ad campaign
  • Ability to capture quality leads as quickly and efficiently as possible

When approaching an agency, don’t be afraid to ask for case studies, a breakdown of management fees as well as what you can expect from the money you spend.

The success of an ad campaign can be measured in different ways. Effective use of keywords is a fundamental factor of success, as is compelling ad copy and a conversion friendly landing page.

We also discussed pros and cons of going with agencies or freelancers in our article How to choose the right agency for you.