About our keyword strategy

What our keyword strategy looks at:

Keyword strategy is an important part of our SEO services and organic marketing efforts. Discovering the relevant keywords and search terms users are actively searching for in the search engines and optimising your content to contain these popular terms and phrases will help your business gain more visibility! From the initial keyword research to determining a long-term strategy that will keep you at the top, we are here to get your brand noticed and to increase your leads and sales.

Our research looks at multiple data points, from search volumes and user intent to current rankings and competition. By using multiple data points, we ensure we are targeting the keywords with the highest chance of ROI, rather than just the highest search volumes.

We’re interested in writing high quality content that drives traffic to your website and letting search engines know just how valuable your pages are. We then monitor the success of the carefully planned keyword strategy we have created to keep the strategy fluid and reactive.