We're thrilled to confirm that Public Health Dorset and it's LiveWell Dorset service will be continuing to work with us following their latest tender review.
LiveWell Dorset (LWD) is an integrated lifestyle service delivered by Public Health Dorset (PHD). We have worked with PHD since we launched LWD's current digital platform in 2016.
As a publicly funded entity, the contract is periodically subject to a competitive procurement process, and having spent the last four years developing a strong and successful partnership with the Public Health Dorset team, there was no question that we wanted to remain involved in their digital journey.
The LiveWell Dorset digital platform encompasses the LWD website (built on MODX), a range of behavioural change tools to help people on their journeys to healthier living, and a CRM system (built with a Laravel API and a React frontend). Over the coming years PHD has a range of ambitious development objectives that we just didn't want to miss out on!
As the incumbent agency, having prior knowledge of the platform was certainly an advantage, however sometimes too much knowledge can limit the possibilities and conserve the ideas presented. We didn't want to let this prior experience constrain us, so with involvement from all areas of the agency, from design and UX, to development, digital strategy and digital marketing we prepared a tender that would really push the boundaries with the platform, and offer LWD an effective all-round solution.
We're delighted to say that we have been awarded the contract for the next 2+ years and cannot wait to start planning the new roadmap.
We ticked all the boxes when it came to the requirement, our technical knowledge of the CMS and existing systems was extensive, and displayed a level of knowledge that provided great confidence

Public Health Dorset serves a diverse population of 772,000 residents covering rural and urban areas, some of which are some of the most deprived in the South West of England.
The LiveWell Dorset service provides a free, health and wellbeing coaching opportunity for any adult in Dorset. It is open to all residents in the county looking to lose weight, become more active, drink less or stop smoking. As well as offering telephone and face-to-face coaching support, the digital platform has been developed to offer a number of digital self-service tools including:
- The Habit Hacker: designed by health and psychology experts, this quick and simple tool assesses your behaviours, preferences and barriers, then provides bespoke behaviour change techniques personalised to you.
- The LiveWell Finder: locate a range of health and wellbeing services, support, groups and activities on your doorstep
- My LiveWell: user account portal enhancing the existing Habit Hacker functionality by offering personalised tips and tools to help users improve their health and well being.
A healthy agency-client partnership
Our first assignment in 2016 was to build a brand new website. This was built on the MODX CMS and hosts a multitude of digital tools.
Not only have we developed a new website, over the past few years we have launched a few digital marketing campaigns to generate awareness of the service, and consequently achieved some extremely healthy results.
Discover the full case study here.
It goes without saying that we're thrilled to be continuing our working partnership with Public Health Dorset, and are excited about the years ahead as they continue their journey to improve the health and wellbeing of Dorset's residents.