Earlier this year, I wrote an article about why you can't compare YoY after a pandemic. In a nutshell, we were seeing similar trends for numerous clients. At the time of writing the article (midway through 2022), when we compared data from 2022 to 2021 or even 2020, the usual story was, metrics were down.

This was due to several reasons, but sparked massively by the days of lockdowns driving consumers to buy online. Now, with lockdowns seemingly behind us, many ecommerce businesses saw a drop in their traffic, sales, and revenue. The world had opened up, consumers could choose to visit bricks and mortar stores again, but research showed online purchases were still higher than pre covid levels.

Why you can’t compare year over year after a pandemic!

Read the article

However, they weren’t at the all-time high organisations had gotten used to, so there was dissatisfaction at seeing YoY decline figures. Granted, there are exceptions to the rule! With the work our expert marketing team have put in, we have seen continued success for our ecommerce clients.

One of those is Manutan.

Manutan is a leading supplier of industrial, commercial and office equipment. Manutan aims to provide the best choice within a diverse product portfolio and offers highly competitive prices.

Following the initial shock of March 2020 and a national lockdown. Manutan saw an immediate dip in conversions and revenue. However, ever since then (bar the seasonal fluctuation of a B2B organisation in December), there has been exponential and consistent growth.

Manutan organic revenue growth image
How have we done this?

Adido and Manutan have been working together successfully for over 4 years now, initially working as consultants supporting their internal marketing teams. This then evolved into management of their PPC and SEO.

PPC was taken in house following returns of key staff members, while SEO has gone from strength to strength. The organic strategy has developed beyond measure, firstly, trying to recover any loss of traffic and in turn revenue, following a rebrand and migration project.

Before shifting focus to optimise strategic product and category pages. This was vital in driving revenue.

A close working relationship has enabled us to live and breathe Manutan, how they work and to also understand their vast portfolio. We now know the difference between a pallet truck and a sack truck. (A pallet truck is when the load is transported behind the user, a sack truck positions the load in front of the user).

This can be found with a position 1 ranking and rich snippet for that FAQ

Manutan rich snippet image

“We’ve been working with Adido for several years now and have developed a great working relationship with the team. As well as being true experts at what they do, they take the time to understand our business needs and regularly go above and beyond to make sure we get what we need – I’d recommend Adido to anyone!”

Victoria Vaughn

Digital Projects Manager - Manutan

Keyword research was carried out to see where improvements could be made to both product specific pages and category pages alike, aiming for page one visibility before moving to a position one strategy. Ongoing technical SEO covered a site audit, discovery of duplicate content, resolving imagery issues in the SERPs for category pages, keyword competitor comparisons and resolution of blog tracking within Google Analytics.

It’s fair to say working with Manutan has been a fully encompassing project. Over the four years of working with Manutan, the data we have access to has grown and grown, as have the monthly, quarterly and annual reports we share. These are a collaborative process with key pieces of data being shared by Manutan every month, this allows us to piece together the holistic view of performance, which in this turbulent time has been vital to the continued success.


Over the past four years, over 100 pieces of content have been written, from page optimisations, blogs, and product releases. Manutan’s average keyword ranking has gone from 92 at the start of 2020 to 26 in November 2022. That covers 762 keywords being tracked, and 84 keywords ranking in position 1.

This year alone we have seen the average ranking increase 10 places, 36 to 26, with 171 new keywords sitting in the top 3 positions in the SERPs.

These include keyword increases for the following:

  • High lift pallet trucks – up 17 positions to position 2​
  • Electric pallet trucks – up 16 positions to position 8 ​
  • Personal effects lockers – up 4 positions to position 1 and a featured snippet ​

There has been a 31% increase in organic clicks and a 10% increase in organic revenue.

“Working with Manutan for the past year has been a pleasure. With such a vast site, there are a great number of opportunities and ideas to explore. Victoria and Rebecca have a great understanding of SEO and the importance it has on ecommerce, they bring a plethora of product knowledge. Together, we are working towards improving the technical excellence of the site and capturing opportunities to increase their online presence.”

Radina Ivanova

SEO Manager - Adido

Approaching categories holistically

With the hard work put in and the results seen, we are pleased to announce we have extended our working relationship with Manutan for another 12 months.

Manutan holistic approach image

Another evolution of the strategy will involve further keyword research, taking a holistic approach to one category at a time. A process of keyword and gap analysis will be the first step, followed by understanding the relationship between PPC and Organic, allowing us to align broad keywords to category pages, followed by content creation. With an aim to drive further revenue from key categories.

If you would like to take your SEO to the next level, why not get in touch.

Click here
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Kyle Bones

Senior Account Manager

Kyle is at the heart of client delivery being the central point of contact for ongoing marketing retainers and project-based contracts. If you ring the office, he'll probably be ...