Sign up for a free Google Ads audit
Our free Google Ads audit is 100% manually reviewed by real humans with at least 5 years of PPC experience. We don't use tools or cut corners with automations.
We believe the only way an audit is useful to you, is if it gives you bespoke recommendations based on your current account performance, combined with the wider context of your priorities and business goals.
What's the catch, you might ask?
There isn't one. In our experience, if you're considering a full scale PPC audit or switching to a new PPC agency, it's only fair you want to get a sense of what an agency can do before you commit.
To request your free PPC audit please fill in the form below
You should sign up for our Google Ads Audit if you're wondering:
- is my PPC partner or my team managing the account in the best way?
- what's the next most important thing we should focus on?
- are we wasting money right now, and where?
- how can we spend more efficiently?
What you're not going to get with this audit
Death by a million irrelevant numbers.
Percentages, graphs and metrics can make us look smart, but there's no point to them if they don't lead to actionable insights that are easy for you to understand. No one likes a smarty-pants.
How to sign up for the audit and what happens next
1. Fill out the sign up form (~ 2 minutes)
Apply using the form on this page, or give us a call if you'd like to ask a few more questions. Please use the best possible email address for this, as it will be the one we use to deliver the audit document.
2. Share access to your account
You'll receive an email confirming we can get your audit under way, and instructions on how to get access to your account. We will ask you to temporarily add our email address to your account in View Only mode, so you're confident we can access the data we need without being able to make any changes. You'll be able to remove us from the account as soon as the audit is complete.
3. Fill out a questionnaire (~ 5-7 minutes)
The same email will include the link to a questionnaire we've put together so we can understand your business a bit better, as well as what you're trying to achieve. Context is what will allow us to suggest the best possible recommendations and next steps.
4. Sit back and relax while we work on your audit
Our specialists will work as fast as they can. We aim to deliver the audit in your inbox in PDF format within 5 business days.
5. Next steps
If the free audit is all you need to give you a steer in the right direction, then here's where we part ways. If you think you might need more support, the audit will suggest a few ways you can carry on working with us.
We've supported these businesses over the past 20 years with their PPC