There are a substantial number of benefits to having a dedicated account manager, far too many to list in one article (though I would say that). Below are just some of the benefits you get from having a dedicated account manager at Adido.

Direct communication with a trusted account manager

It may seem obvious, that an account manager would be the main point of contact within an agency. At Adido, that is the case, but it’s a great benefit! Having a direct, single point of contact for all communications, means there is no more calling and speaking to different members of an agency, having to explain issues or requirements to someone who has never dealt with the account before.

At Adido you will have full access to a dedicated account manager, via direct contact numbers, emails as well as video and in person meetings to answer any questions, deliver work, discuss future strategies and so much more.

Building lasting relationships

We are a curious bunch, and we care. Curious to learn the how's and whys of any project, as well as the ins and outs of what makes clients tick. This helps to build a great working relationship, to ensure all projects run smoothly and efficiently. As an account manager, time and effort is invested into knowing everything there is to know about the project, to make certain that targets are exceeded.

Building a personal relationship shows how much we care. We value all our clients and aim to always deliver the best results possible.

An account manager might not know the answer to every question; but they will get you the answer. Saving you the time and energy when issues or questions might arise.

Your voice within the agency

The reason why those lasting relationships are so important is because the account manager is your representative (your brand and your voice) within the agency and hopefully becomes an extension to your team. So, when work is delivered, it is delivered as if it had been done by you.

An account manager will review every piece of work before it leaves the agency, this is to ensure it represents you the client as best as it possibly can.

Improve client satisfaction

Any account manager worth their salt, will look to improve client satisfaction. This is done through numerous actions, responding to communications quickly but more importantly, effectively. Monitoring all incoming and outgoing work being conducted within the agency, to make sure work is delivered on time. But more so than anything else, if an account manager can show a complete understanding of a client’s offering and supply a clear return on investment, whatever the overarching goals are, that will help improve client satisfaction.

At Adido we are very proud of our client satisfaction feedback, with scores in recent years demonstrating our clients would highly recommend us (thank you!). We aim to listen to what our clients value and ensure we give them the level of service and the results they’re looking for. Account managers play a valuable part in the success of this partnership.

Living by Adido’s values in an account management role

At Adido we are all encouraged to live by our four values: Commercial, Curious, Candid, and Care.

As an account manager, these values can be vital to delivering for clients.


Our account managers encourage clients to expect more from their marketing budgets. By speaking to in house experts they ensure budget is being spent in the right places, or at the very least not spent in the wrong places!


account managers should be curious. As someone who is channel agnostic, an account manager wants the best performance, no matter what channel it comes from, so we are always asking questions of the team, with the aim of advancing digital performance across websites and marketing campaigns.


An account manager needs to be candid. Taking pride in being an extension to clients' teams, an account manager will be constructive and up front about performance and ongoing feedback.


Account managers need to care about client relationships. It is the heart and soul of an account manager’s role to show what we can do to go above and beyond. We will look after your budget as if it were our own and care about performance.

At Adido we are committed to our clients, helping them achieve their marketing goals. A dedicated account manager can be an integral part of achieving that success, by providing immeasurable support through every aspect of deliverable work from the agency to you the client.

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Meet the author ...

Kyle Bones

Senior Account Manager

Kyle is at the heart of client delivery being the central point of contact for ongoing marketing retainers and project-based contracts. If you ring the office, he'll probably be ...